From the Bus

Fox Sparrow at Sandy River Reservoir, Prince Edward County, VA (2.19.15)

Fox Sparrow in the Mud (2.19.15)

White-winged Scoters at Sandy River Reservoir, Prince Edward County, VA (1.13.15)

Fox Sparrow (back) with White-throated Sparrows at Sandy River Reservoir, Prince Edward County, VA (2.18.15)

Spotted Sandpiper at Sandy River Reservoir, Prince Edward Co., VA (3.14.15)

American Coot (left) & Ruddy Duck (center) with Pied-billed Grebes (2.18.15)

High Bridge Trail State Park

View from the High Bridge

Ameila County Monument & Courthouse

Love this view #pineforest #country

Sailor's Creek Battlefield State Park

Memorial Wall

Remember the fallen


A Devoted Man

High Bridge Trail

Forever our Hero

High Bridge Trail

My view for the next several hours

View from the garden

Rolling Clouds (3.16.15)



Up Namozine Road. #clouds #sky


Grandpa Johnie built his place in a bend in the road


Down by the pond

Hay, baled

Spraying weeds - a long way to go

Farm Sunset


Winter On The Battlefield

Grandpa Johnnie's house and the chickenhouse



The front field

Down by the pond