The View Beyond the Fence

View From Mount Whatley, New Brunswick

The view from New Brunswick revisited, Confederation Bridge, Northumberland Strait

Snowy Owl

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Current view while following up on Friday afternoon emails :) #officeperks #virtual #lifestyle #ixda

Implied sunset

marsh path

on ne voit jamais le vent

Cumberland County

Covered bridge, winding river

The Fallen

Tidnish Bridge, Nova Scotia

Along Trunk Highway 6

Ah, the beach ...

Port Elgin, New Brunswick (Canada)

Winter River

Salt Marsh Copper 20150730 Siddall Rd, Baie Verte (16)

20150730 Salt Marsh Copper, Siddall Rd, Baie Verte

Bronze Copper 20150730 Red-winged Blackbird Trail Baie Verte (19)

DSC_0333 Baie Verte, Nouveau-Brunswick, Canada

CFI short ecological forestry course

CFI short ecological forestry course