Mölln - Street view 01

a closer view

My own point of view

Cloud Reflections

Ponds in magic green Spring Fields

The last winter image - I hope ツ

~ Bremen City ~

Golden sunset above river Elbe

Green dragonboat.

Mysterious Place ...

home, sweet home (please view on black!)

My idea of tranquility

Leading into Yellow

Hand in hand

autumnal outlook

Sprengeler Mühle.

Braunschweiger Burgplatz


Repainting the Landscape

wAll of rUst

Mölln - Street view 02

Beside the lake

colors of autumn


early in the morning in the bog

. ..endless.. .

dangerous way into the bog

Winter in Bohmte

Mai 2011

Altes Sielsperrtor

Feels Like Heaven

...behind winter ...

lange schatten

Alemanha – Hanover - O New Town Hall ou New City Hall é a sede da Câmara Municipal e foi inaugurado a 20 de Julho de 1913, depois de ter demorado 12 anos a construir. É um magnífico edifício da era de Guilherme II.

New Year`s day!

Winter Light

Dune Grass

morning sun

Rapefield on a cloudy day

Leuchturm an der Elbe

Autumn colors

Last sunrays