Dümmer See, Lower Saxony, Germany
Fly Agaric Mushroom - Toadstool as Lucky Charm
Everybody loves Mecki ... the little Hedgehog in my Hand
Kirche l church
Jubel auf der Lohner Fanmeile
Rural Beauty VIII
Alternative view
50. Dümmerbrand
Grandma's Brockum
Romantic Breakfast
Autumn's end
Sunset on the Autobahn
...and Joshua Tree Walked away to Discover the World
Afternoon sun
Appletree Garden 2013
- ohne -
Rural Beauty III
Dümmer Mai 2013
just fields, trees and clouds
Dümmer Juni 2014 4
sunset behind the mountain
you only hear some birds and the sea.
MRCE ES 64 U2-026 'HKX' (OLA ES 64 U2-026, 182 526) und MRCE ES 64 U2-034 bei Diepholz #8127
Rural Beauty X
Dümmersee, Sonnenuntergang
im Oppenweher Moor
Dümmer, am Abend
im Oppenweher Moor