im Tropfen / in the drop (8)

Gute Aussicht / good view

Seeblick / view of the lake (2)

Seeblick / view of the lake (3)

AusFlug (17)

Schilfgürtel / reed belt

im Tropfen / in the drop (6)

04.04.2015 - 17:30h

Löwenzahn / dandelion

Schilf / reed (2)

AusFlug (16)

mad sky panoramic (Gods Sketchpad)

Nilgänse / Egyptian goose (2)

im Wald / in the forest (2)

AusFlug (15)

Grün im Licht / Green in the light

Celle - Schloßpark (2)

der Klang der Natur / sound of nature (2)

der Klang der Natur / sound of nature (3)

07.03.2015 - 18:13h

Wettergrenze / weather divide

Waldweg II

parallel lines and others

a foggy start of the year

frosty rime

the winter sun makes it

above and below

Winterland (2)

DSC_2891 BW


Autumn meadow in the mist

Moskva 4 191117

SS Swimming Pool

im Wald / in the forest (4)

We Shall Remember All of Them