
Spring has sprung! #spring #Missouri #wildonions

Cove Sunset

Lake photos April 2008 181

charley's buffet_20180316_174644

Steven Harvey - bull pride

Gave in and just bought + downloaded Halide as I was trying to get the first image. These aren’t in RAW, but wow!! Boy, our mother sun is one helluva gal.

Post Office 65324 (Climax Springs, Missouri)

get the red out_20180831_174942

Steven Harvey - bull pride

charley's buffet_20170929_184718

charley's buffet parking lot_20170915_185952

Post Office 65038 (Laurie, Missouri)

Mom after return from hospital

Mom and Dad and Murphy January 2017 (1)

Mom and Dad and Murphy January 2017 (2)

Mom and Dad and Murphy January 2017 (3)

Mom and Dad and Murphy January 2017 (5)

Shoe goals and a big ol turtle I caught

#likefatherlikeson #camo #lakeoftheozarks #lake #lakeweekend #chill #relax #gentrysaim2015

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