From Inside (2)

A camel and a longhorn, in Stamps, Arkansas.

Bodcaw Bayou Mars Hill Arkansas


From Inside (1)

That train keeps a rollin'...

Old broken down shed in rural Arkansas, snapped with the Nokia Lumia 1020

Lewisville AR - Lafayette Co. Courthouse

Lewisville AR - Bldgs

Lewisville AR - Bldg

Lewisville AR - Bldg 1 interior

Lewsville AR - Bldg 2

Lewisville AR - sign

MP 659, B&O 6947 & MP 110

Stopped for a frito chili pie and cherry limeade at our earliest convenience.

arkansas church

arkansas church

arkansas church

Arkansas church

Lafayette County Courthouse (Lewisville, Arkansas)

Lafayette County Courthouse (Lewisville, Arkansas)