From Inside (2)

A camel and a longhorn, in Stamps, Arkansas.

Bodcaw Bayou Mars Hill Arkansas

From Inside (1)

That train keeps a rollin'...

Old broken down shed in rural Arkansas, snapped with the Nokia Lumia 1020

Lewisville AR - Lafayette Co. Courthouse

Lewisville AR - Bldgs

Lewisville AR - Bldg

Lewisville AR - Bldg 1 interior

Lewsville AR - Bldg 2

Lewisville AR - sign

MP 659, B&O 6947 & MP 110

Stopped for a frito chili pie and cherry limeade at our earliest convenience.

arkansas church

arkansas church

arkansas church

Arkansas church

Lafayette County Courthouse (Lewisville, Arkansas)

Lafayette County Courthouse (Lewisville, Arkansas)

Old Lafayette County Courthouse Cornerstone (Lewisville, Arkansas)