Garden bench
Sunset reflections
A hidden wall
Dramatic clouds
Up the garden path .....
Field Fence
Furled Fern Frond
Not a red sky in sight HTT!
Wet Window
Christmas tree reflections
I've seen the light!
Good Morning Mr Magpie ...
Room with a view
Cactus flowers (Explored)
My lucky stones
Knockacummer windfarm
Street view
Anyone for Calamari?
Garden bench (Explored)
It's a bit black over Bill's Mother's
Model Greengrocer's store
Wondrous Webs
Sunlit lane
Walking into the storm
Winter Sunshine
Autumn pond
Beech fence
Wildlife Pond
Not a cloud in the sky (Explored)
Round bales
Taking a break
Half way point
View across the fields
A welcome bench
Signs of the times (Explored)
Lough Gay (Explored)