No drisheen in Drishane Castle but plenty of clutter!

Interior of Church, Kiskeam, Co Cork

An Atrocious August Afternoon

The Road through the Woods

Chapel View

View across the fields

Get those bales in quick!

Church at Ballydesmond, Co Cork - Interior

Harvest Mural, Kiskeam, Co Cork, Ireland

Interior of Church, Kiskeam, Co Cork - 2

Dappled Sunlight

The long and winding road

Follow the leader

Twin peaks

Surveying his territory

Not a cloud in the sky

Dry stone wall & fence (Explored)

Into the West

50 Shades of Grey

Between Kilgarven and Bantry

Distant horizon

On The Banks Of The Blackwater

A lovely Spring day

Autumn sunshine

An imposing pole

Facing into the wind

Country lane (Explored)

Ominous clouds on the horizon

R.P.S.I No. 85 at Stagmount.