Pleasant Valley in Green and Gray

in-n-out burger. kettleman city, ca. 2012.


tasty burger. 2012.

danger. kettleman city, ca. 2008.


Avenal Theater

View from a Freightliner's Sleeper

The San Joaquin Valley - Nikon FE - Nikkor 28mm F/2.8 AI - Velvia 50

Central Valley California

Central Valley California

Reef City

half way home. <I-5 north; central California>

I'm in the middle of Central California somewhere far from everything. #cali

Coalinga Farm

San Luis Obispo County California

Mud Flow from Reef Ridge

PB272092 rest stop 20131127

Hills and Valleys in California

Grassy field behind rest area

Good morning America


Recently Added-98

Reef Ridge

Reef Ridge

Far Far Away ... In California