View from my chair in the backyard..


Lonely, in yellow...

Sunrise Over Scarborough II

Funk's Grove Meadow in the Fall

Back View

Sydney Long Jumping

2011-02-26 18.04.34

2011-05-29 20.20.03

Sunrise Over Scarborough I

2011-05-29 20.13.13

Gabby clearing the bar!

Gabby Wins the High Jump!

Funk's Grove Chapel

Red Admiral on Nettle

Downs IL Cemetery

Gabby Up and Over

2011-05-29 20.20.22

Close up

Front View


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A common sight...

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Chapel of the Templed Trees

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Winter Storm on the Horizon

adding on

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Sugar Grove Nature Center

Grass at Sunset

When the Prairie Winter Bites

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Rundown Barn at Sunset

Into the woods

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Goodnight from Illinois... Rolling west towards Seattle
