ICG #8233 Normal, Illinois

Dancing Duck - Will dance for food!

Blue Iris by the Pond

View from my chair in the backyard..

Spanish Dancer


Half Moon

View from my trail garden. Constitution Trail.

Ash Street Park

Senior Picture

Firewood @ 15 cents per pound.

Bloomington Grain

Back to Yuton

Traffic Lights In Downtown Bloomington

Illinois Terminal, Downtown Bloomington, Illinois

Inside the Old McLean County Courthouse

Survivor: The Last Tree of Old CCHS

White Iris

ICG #8064 Normal, Illinois

They're Tearing Up Normal

Lonely, in yellow...

A beautiful night for baseball.

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A common sight...

Smoke off Constitution Trail

Times Past


adding on

Homes in my Neighborhoodl

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Yahoo Weather App for iPhone and iPad

Grass at Sunset


When the Prairie Winter Bites

Sunrise on the urban prairie

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view from the back yard



I could get used to this much light for prep soccer...