ICG #8064 Normal, Illinois

ICG #81081 Normal, Illinois

Dancing Duck - Will dance for food!

Ash Street Park

Half Moon

Pick Up Straw Here

Firewood @ 15 cents per pound.

View of GM&O shops looking north from Locust St. bridge 3-5-77


They're Tearing Up Normal

Alley View

Illinois Terminal, Downtown Bloomington, Illinois

Truck Entering Yuton Grain Elevator

Holder Grain Elevator

View from my trail garden. Constitution Trail.

Red-winged Blackbird Chick

Illinois Central Gulf #8365 Normal, Illinois

Spanish Dancer

Senior Picture

Blue Iris by the Pond

Shhh, the babies' are asleep.

A common sight...

Lonely, in yellow...

Barnes Grain Elevators

Mornings #instagood #morning #clouds



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Into the woods

Times Past

40/52: Not A Turban

The Landscape of my Life

Route 66, Rural Towanda IL

The landscape of my life

William Duncan Manor

My ongoing landscaping project at the Takayasu residence

The landscape of my life

When the Prairie Winter Bites

Eastern Mclean County

Route 66, Towanda