Soar Baby Soar and Just Dance!

TRosie Roo

Louis G. Gregory Baha'i Institute (Hemingway, SC)

Radio Baha'i (Hemingway, SC)

Louis G. Gregory Baha'i Institute (Hemingway, SC)

The Last Taste of Fall

Night or Day?

September 3, 2014 - Moon

In the Country, No Street Lights, Nothng but Sky!

Dark Skies, Starry Night

Scott's Bar-B-Que in Hemingway, SC

Order your BBQ

The smokehouse

Scott's Bar-B-Que in Hemingway, SC

Io Moth

Green Anole

Best part about riding the Knot trail in Wedgefield is getting to stop by Scott's BBQ on the way home. #mtb #bbq #scottsbbq #santacruz #enjoytheride

One-Stop Shopping

100 Mile Bar-B-Que

Scott's Variety & BBQ

Scott's Bar-B-Que