
bay forest, Carvers Bay


Best part about riding the Knot trail in Wedgefield is getting to stop by Scott's BBQ on the way home. #mtb #bbq #scottsbbq #santacruz #enjoytheride

Soar Baby Soar and Just Dance!

"Run Aground" #Adventure photography,#naturephotographer,#hdr,#kiaking,#pawleysislandphotography

TRosie Roo

Louis G. Gregory Baha'i Institute (Hemingway, SC)

Radio Baha'i (Hemingway, SC)

Louis G. Gregory Baha'i Institute (Hemingway, SC)

100 Mile Bar-B-Que

Scott's Variety & BBQ

Scott's Bar-B-Que

Scott's BBQ

The Last Taste of Fall

Gray-green Clubtail - Arigomphus pallidus - Horry County, South Carolina - June 14, 2010

Gray-green Clubtail - Arigomphus pallidus - Horry County, South Carolina - June 14, 2010

Gray-green Clubtail - Arigomphus pallidus - Horry County, South Carolina - June 14, 2010

Gray-green Clubtail - Arigomphus pallidus - Horry County, South Carolina - June 14, 2010

Gray-green Clubtail - Arigomphus pallidus - Horry County, South Carolina - June 14, 2010

Night or Day?

Royal River Cruiser - Macromia taeniolata - Horry County, South Carolina, USA - June 14, 2010

Royal River Cruiser - Macromia taeniolata - Horry County, South Carolina, USA - June 14, 2010

September 3, 2014 - Moon