Cloud Ship???

Toxicodendron radicans (Poison Ivy) Anacardiaceae

Falling Water Presbyterian Church

Blue Bunny Icee

Scenic View

Week 42: Orange


Lake view

The Rock



Conopholis americana (American Cancer-root) Orobanchaceae

ww scoter male Chickamauga2

Halesia tetraptera (Silverbell) Styracaceae


Toxicodendron radicans (Poison Ivy) Anacardiaceae

Western Grebe

grandmom Eleanor's stereo slides

Matelea gonocarpos (Anglepod, Milkvine) Asclepiadaceae

Hogskin Branch

Recording Haven for your viewing pleasure today @ 2.

Cooper Creek Falls - North Chickamauga Trail Segment of the Cumberland Trail - February 16, 2013

Cooper Creek Falls - North Chickamauga Trail Segment of the Cumberland Trail - February 16, 2013

Soddy Creek, Cumberland Trail State Park, Hamilton County, Tennessee 1

Cooper Creek Falls - North Chickamauga Trail Segment of the Cumberland Trail - February 16, 2013

Patrick & Jennifer - Cooper Creek Falls - North Chickamauga Trail Segment of the Cumberland Trail - February 16, 2013

Great Blue Heron

NS 123, Chattanooga, TN

North Chickamauga Trail Segment of the Cumberland Trail

North Chickamauga Trail Segment of the Cumberland Trail

North Chickamauga Trail Segment of the Cumberland Trail

Cooper Creek Falls - North Chickamauga Trail Segment of the Cumberland Trail - February 16, 2013

North Chickamauga Trail Segment of the Cumberland Trail - February 16, 2013

North Chickamauga Trail Segment of the Cumberland Trail

Chickamauga Dam

North Chickamauga Trail Segment of the Cumberland Trail

North Chickamauga Trail Segment of the Cumberland Trail

Stripmine Falls - North Chickamauga Trail Segment of the Cumberland Trail - February 16, 2013

North Chickamauga Trail Segment of the Cumberland Trail

Imodium Falls (Little Possum Creek Falls) - Possum Creek Gorge Section of the Cumberland Trail

Fall is in full force. ????????????????#exploreTN #exploremore #explore #rei #rei1440project #RedefineTheOutdoors #tn #tnwild #tennessee #ighikers #igerstennessee #instagramtennessee #outside #outdoors #OutdoorsUSA #onlyt

Stripmine Falls - North Chickamauga Trail Segment of the Cumberland Trail - February 16, 2013