~Sunset Fishing~

Western Grebe

Sometimes you get the best views once the leaves have fallen ???????? #chatt #chattanooga #noog #nooga #noogagram #nashvilleexplorersclub #mountains #moretoexplore #letscamp #livelocallytn #onlytennisee #outside #outdoors #instagramtennes

Calycanthus floridus (Sweetshrub, Carolina Allspice) Calycanthaceae


Lake view


Toxicodendron radicans (Poison Ivy) Anacardiaceae

Must be an interesting place to work. I bet it has a good view.

Common Loon

Falling Water Presbyterian Church

Conopholis americana (American Cancer-root) Orobanchaceae

ww scoter male Chickamauga2

Halesia tetraptera (Silverbell) Styracaceae

Toxicodendron radicans (Poison Ivy) Anacardiaceae

grandmom Eleanor's stereo slides

Chickamauga Bridge

@xpectopatronum on the hang gliding ramp. #babe #model #portrait #tennessee #view #sequatchievalley

Matelea gonocarpos (Anglepod, Milkvine) Asclepiadaceae

Hogskin Branch

Fagus grandifolia (American Beech) Fagaceae

Caution: Boulder

Imodium Falls (Little Possum Creek Falls) - Possum Creek Gorge Section of the Cumberland Trail

NS 123, Chattanooga, TN

North Chickamauga Trail Segment of the Cumberland Trail

Stripmine Falls - North Chickamauga Trail Segment of the Cumberland Trail - February 16, 2013

Fall is in full force. ????????????????#exploreTN #exploremore #explore #rei #rei1440project #RedefineTheOutdoors #tn #tnwild #tennessee #ighikers #igerstennessee #instagramtennessee #outside #outdoors #OutdoorsUSA #onlyt

Stripmine Falls - North Chickamauga Trail Segment of the Cumberland Trail - February 16, 2013

Stripmine Falls - North Chickamauga Trail Segment of the Cumberland Trail - February 16, 2013

North Chickamauga Trail Segment of the Cumberland Trail - February 16, 2013

Great Blue Heron

River Mist

North Chickamauga Trail Segment of the Cumberland Trail

North Chickamauga Trail Segment of the Cumberland Trail

Cooper Creek Falls - North Chickamauga Trail Segment of the Cumberland Trail - February 16, 2013

North Chickamauga Trail Segment of the Cumberland Trail - February 16, 2013

Cooper Creek Falls - North Chickamauga Trail Segment of the Cumberland Trail - February 16, 2013

North Chickamauga Trail Segment of the Cumberland Trail

Chickamauga Dam

Soddy Creek, Cumberland Trail State Park, Hamilton County, Tennessee 1

North Chickamauga Trail Segment of the Cumberland Trail

Stripmine Falls - North Chickamauga Trail Segment of the Cumberland Trail - February 16, 2013