Chickamauga Dam (and bridge)

Toxicodendron radicans (Poison Ivy) Anacardiaceae

Chickamauga Bridge

Rhus aromatica (Fragrant Sumac) Anacardiaceae

Chickamauga Gorge

Chickamauga sluice

Week 42: Orange

~Sunset Fishing~

ww scoter male Chickamauga2

Western Grebe

Falling Water Presbyterian Church

Sedum ternatum (Stonecrop) Crassulaceae

The View

Calycanthus floridus (Sweetshrub, Carolina Allspice) Calycanthaceae

The Rock

Toxicodendron radicans (Poison Ivy) Anacardiaceae

Matelea gonocarpos (Anglepod, Milkvine) Asclepiadaceae

Fagus grandifolia (American Beech) Fagaceae

Gadwall x Northern Pintail hybrid

Recording Haven for your viewing pleasure today @ 2.

Conopholis americana (American Cancer-root) Orobanchaceae

Falling Water Falls, Pickett Gulf, Falling Water Falls State Natural Area, Hamilton County, Tennessee 1

Tennessee Riverpark at Chickamauga Creek -- Chattanooga (TN) Sunday Morning September 18, 2011

The Tennessee River at Chickamauga Creek Upriver from Chattanooga -- Sunday Morning September 18, 2011

North Chickamauga Trail Segment of the Cumberland Trail

North Chickamauga Trail Segment of the Cumberland Trail

NS Train 64Q

Great Blue Heron

Caution: Boulder

Quiet Barn

Soddy Creek, Cumberland Trail State Park, Hamilton County, Tennessee 1

NS 123, Chattanooga, TN

North Chickamauga Trail Segment of the Cumberland Trail - February 16, 2013

Cooper Creek Falls - North Chickamauga Trail Segment of the Cumberland Trail - February 16, 2013

Cooper Creek Falls - North Chickamauga Trail Segment of the Cumberland Trail - February 16, 2013

NS Train 143

Cooper Creek Falls - North Chickamauga Trail Segment of the Cumberland Trail - February 16, 2013

North Chickamauga Trail Segment of the Cumberland Trail

Stripmine Falls - North Chickamauga Trail Segment of the Cumberland Trail - February 16, 2013

North Chickamauga Trail Segment of the Cumberland Trail

Patrick & Jennifer - Cooper Creek Falls - North Chickamauga Trail Segment of the Cumberland Trail - February 16, 2013