Canadian Pacific train
Iowa, Winneshiek County- Frankville, Frankville Stone School (858-2)
Rocket Slide
song sparrow at Decorah Fish Hatchery IA 854A3540
Steeples and Silos
woolly bear caterpillar at Lake Meyer Park IA 854A1917
chipping sparrow at Waukon City Park IA 854A7196
sugar maple tree trunks in Marilie Forest IA 854A4063
IA/MN trip
Steps to the Falls
BNSF 5368 - Unit Ethanol Train - Castalia, IA
Maple Tour
Cape May warbler at Decorah Fish Hatchery IA 854A0962
Entering Allamakee County (Allamakee County, Iowa)
butternut tree nuts near Ossian IA 854A9307
Virginia waterleaf at Marilie Woods IA 854A8783
Coon Creek at Coon Creek Wildlife Area IA 854A2509
Cows with Bull Thistle