Gettin' the kinks out!

The Blues have it

Wheeler Geologic Area

Getting Ready!

Oh, Bother!

Eternal View

Just One More


Yikes! Who pooped?!?!

Mr. Blue

Blue on Black

Autumn Blues

No Fear


15% grade

Caldera inner rim

Creede cliffs

Rail track or another hanging flume?

Caldera lake layers

Creede Church

Space Invaders

More old bits of the mine above Creede co.

An old stamp mill on the bachelor loop trail above Creede Colorado.

East from San Luis


Campbell Mountain

Mines up the draw #1

Just above Creede Canyon

Mines up the draw #2

Bachelor Loop 5 - _DSC0713.jpg

Bachelor Loop 4 - _DSC0737.jpg

Bachelor Loop 2 - _DSC0728.jpg

Shadows from San Luis

Creede Coloardo

San Luis Trail

Mines up the draw #4

Creede Early morning P1060393

Peak in the Shadows