Johnstown Pennsylvania, Cambria Iron Company

View form the top, The Johnstown Inclined Plane

Johnstown Flood National Memorial

NS Eastbound @ Portage, PA

A View of the Mountains...

South Fork Valley

Funeral Flowers for William P. Rees, Albumen Cabinet Card, March 1891

My own Mail Pouch barn!

Johnstown, PA-- First United Methodist Church, 1910

Johnstown PA Inclined Plane tracks and a city view

The Unger House

View of The South Fork Dam

Johnstown, PA -view from top of the inclined plane

Johnstown Inclined Plane PA

Summerhill from the Hill

What remains of the South Fork Dam

Approaching Johnstown PA

I think I can, I think I can...

Johnstown Tiltfshift

Big and Tall

View from Yoder Hill

Sang Hollow Extension

One Shot #35 | Field

Hinckston Run Reservoir

Conemaugh River Quest

South Fork Dam

Across the field

Such a beautiful town...been destroyed 3x by floods. We visited the Flood Museum and the site where the damn was today. Pretty tragic but very insightful. #JohnstownPA #JohnstownFlood

June fog

Beautiful day in Johnstown

The snow, as it dies, gives birth to the fog

Looking out at johnstown pa

inside a walkway

Blue knob

Looking up at the incline plane

Laurel Ridge State Park - Conemaugh Gap

Windfarm over PA

Johnstown 6

Johnstown, PA

Remains of the South Fork Dam

Mine 40 near Windber, PA