it's not for zombies

Old Mill

week 35 - worms eye view

Positive Street Art "Views from a Cell" @ Flight Center (Nashua)

Astonished Abstract

Fireplace Screens

Jotul Katahdin Gas Fireplace Picture

Fireplace Village, gas logs

View from the front window II.

Quick snooze

End of the Line

De Luxe Triptych

Margaret's View of Nashua

Looking forward...


So inclined

Cream 1982 Mercedes Benz 240D

1850 Wallace Farm (Merrimack, NH)

Nonconformist Family Car

Standard Equipment

Sunrise on the Pond

Genna - Spring 2013 - Londonderry, New Hampshire

Brook with no name

Dunklee Pond (Morning Fog)

Tucker's Brook Falls (RVP-06-1-26)


The Other Woman

Tucker's Brook Falls - Revisited (no border)

Fall Harvest

Cemetery Shadows

Mack's Apples orchard - Londonderry, N.H.

Lake Potanipo, Brookline NH 0955

I am so clever that sometimes I don't understand a single word of what I am saying...

Muskrat home?

April has put a spirit of youth in everything...

Moose Hill Orchard - Londonderry, New Hampshire.

Purgatory Falls- Lower Falls


Moose Hill Orchard - Londonderry, New hampshire

Dunklee Morning

Brookline NH