Pan Am or the Batten Kill?

Rocking and Rolling Along

NA-1 In Downtown Nashua

NA-1 in Nashua

NA-1 Crossing the Souhegan

it's not for zombies

Piercing the Shadows on the Hillbilly

Route 33 Bridge View

Lights in Hudson - Only a Portion, view the set to see more.

Milford Gazebo

Gas Fireplace Inserts

View from the front window II.

NA-1 Northbound on the Northern

NA-1 on the Hillsboro Branch

Standard Equipment

NA-1 Working in Milford

High Above Manchester Yard

Out For a Stroll

End of the Line

My favorite mistake

Rooftop after the Rain

Bass Island Park

Bedford, NH

Dunklee Pond (Morning Fog)

The sound of water says what I think...[explored]

Gate City Night

Deep in the town Forest

Brook with no name

More Storms Heading In

Kathy & Jesse at Robinson Pond

Muskrat home?


Ghost Wagon

Mack's Apples

Moose Hill Orchard - Londonderry, New Hampshire.

September Growth

Moose Hill Orchard - Londonderry, New Hampshire.

Moose Hill Orchard - Londonderry, New Hampshire.


Clouds on a cold and windy day.

The head never rules the heart, but just becomes its partner in crime…