Nashua Clocktower

it's not for zombies

End of the Line

Nonconformist Family Car

wedding 1961 with view of transept

Positive Street Art "Views from a Cell"

My favorite mistake

Quick snooze

De Luxe Triptych

Margaret's View of Nashua

Old Mill

Looking forward...

So inclined

week 35 - worms eye view


Cream 1982 Mercedes Benz 240D

1850 Wallace Farm (Merrimack, NH)

Up, Up & Away...

Destroyed tannery

Sunrise on the Pond

Fall at the office

Lake Potanipo, Brookline NH 0955

Moose Hill Orchard - Londonderry, New Hampshire.




The sound of water says what I think...[explored]

Brook with no name

Dunklee Pond (Morning Fog)

Tucker's Brook Falls (RVP-06-1-26)

April has put a spirit of youth in everything...

Purgatory Falls- Lower Falls


Long way around

The Other Woman

The Old Mills, Nashua NH

Garwin Falls

Morning Walk

Brookline NH

Tucker's Brook Falls - Revisited (no border)


my front yard