it's not for zombies

Route 33 Bridge View

Nashua Clocktower

Love, Loss and Memories

Nashua, NH

water willows

Napoleon Electric Fireplace

partridgeberry paradise

Jotul Oslo Wood Stove

Standard Equipment

End of the Line

My favorite mistake

Rooftop after the Rain

Quick snooze

Lights in Hudson - Only a Portion, view the set to see more.

Sunrise on the Pond

Cream 1982 Mercedes Benz 240D

Fireplace gas insert, Hearthstone Killington

The Barn at Woodmont

Gas Fireplace Inserts

Jotul Katahdin Gas Fireplace Picture

The sound of water says what I think...[explored]

Brookline NH

April has put a spirit of youth in everything...

Lincoln Pond

I am so clever that sometimes I don't understand a single word of what I am saying...

Nissitissit Covered Bridge

Nashua Sept Evening-354-HDR

Wilton, New Hampshire

September Growth

Moose Hill Orchard - Londonderry, New Hampshire.


Mine Falls Park

Dusk Pond

Wetland dawn


Lake Potanipo, Brookline NH 0955

The head never rules the heart, but just becomes its partner in crime…

Dunklee Pond (Morning Fog)

Almost Home

Tucker's Brook Falls (RVP-06-1-26)

Morning Fog At The Bog (RVP-06-9-29)