Looking for beauty in the gray

Group Shoot 06

Looking for inspiration

Nashua Clocktower

Film Noir Siren

it's not for zombies

Ionic Order

Up, Up & Away...

View from Amoskeag Hydro Dam

View from Amoskeag Hydro Dam 3

Manchester, NH Millyard

The Uncanoonucs

View from the front window II.

Positive Street Art "Views from a Cell"

My favorite mistake

3rd Floor...

Quick snooze

Margaret's View of Nashua

Old Mill

Looking forward...

So inclined

I am so clever that sometimes I don't understand a single word of what I am saying...

Horseshoe Pond

April has put a spirit of youth in everything...

Senter Falls

Concrete shelter

Old Mill on the Nashua River

Clouds on a cold and windy day.

The sound of water says what I think...[explored]

Morning Fog At The Bog (RVP-06-9-29)

Dunklee Pond (Morning Fog)

Tucker's Brook Falls (RVP-06-1-26)

Off the path

Purgatory Falls- Lower Falls



The Other Woman

Buoy Parade

Goffstown night life

The Old Mills, Nashua NH
