Snowy Egret

Northern Red Bishop

California Ground Squirrel

Young Egrets Feeding-35517

Juvenille Snowy Egret -941632

Runway two eight left cleared to land

Colorful twist in life

I'm a racing car passing by like Lady Godiva

Young Egret Feeding-35516

Egret taking off-36245

Brown Bird

Place of reflection

The sun settles at the shoreline

Geese (HSS)

Bird head turn-35916

Kimberly Shoemaker, Google HQ

Blue flowers-

Eared Grebe (Podiceps nigricollis) in adult breeding plumage

After feeding Young Egret Adult is off to find more food.-35525


Proficient dive bomber - Forster's Tern

Dry lake bed (California's drought)

Tree on a Hill

Vivid Whispers

A Reflection at Alviso

Across the bridge you'll find blue water

NCRR Skookun Crossing Trussell No.2, Nile Canyon, CA #3

Deflector shield over Lick Observatory

Mission accomplished

Stop. Look. Enjoy.

The Beamer

Easy way down

Vargas Plateau

Lunch hikes

Sunol Regional Wilderness

Racing the sunset


Sunset Wood Horse

Door of opportunities :)