Black-necked Stilt

California Ground Squirrel


Western Gull (immature)

Juvenille Snowy Egret -941632

Young Egrets Feeding-35517

Common Goldeneye


Forster's tern (Sterna forsteri) making a steep right turn, showing off its flight feathers

Geese (HSS)

Eared Grebe (Podiceps nigricollis) in adult breeding plumage

A nesting pair of White-tailed Kites (Elanus leucurus), just after a mouse transfer was made by the kite on the left

Common Goldeneye (m)

Black-tailed Jackrabbit (Lepus californicus)

Yellow Flower-36609

Google HQ

Long time ago, but not forgotten

Snowy Egret Portrait

Rise of the disruptors: Tonight's the night

Fire on the water

Naked in the early morning

The sun settles at the shoreline

Place of reflection

Tree on a Hill

Sunset Wood Horse

Door of opportunities :)

Vivid Whispers

My Sunrise Place

Across the bridge you'll find blue water

Deflector shield over Lick Observatory

Mission accomplished

Stop. Look. Enjoy.

Bay Area Sunrise

South Bay Nightfall

Autumn Sunrise

Calaveras Hills

Easy way down

Baylands Sunrise

Testing the waters

Sunol Hills

Eagle's Domain