Cleft Peeker

Long-billed Dowitcher (Limnodromus scolopaceus)

American pipit (Anthus rubescens rubescens)

Marinating Upon the Great Northwest Country: East of the Cascades (Part 27): Calming Approach

Yielding Control

Marinating Upon the Great Northwest Country: East of the Cascades (Part 32): Grand and Commanding

Lake Lenore Caves Park in the Lower Grand Coulee, Washington

Marinating Upon the Great Northwest Country: East of the Cascades (Part 30): Classically Frozen (Black n White Edition)

Marinating Upon the Great Northwest Country: East of the Cascades (Part 52): Ready for Recreation!!

Waiting to go to Work

Marinating Upon the Great Northwest Country: East of the Cascades (Part 23): Surrounded By Bliss

Behind the Ridge at Lake Lenore Caves

A Gap in the Ridge at Lake Lenore Caves

Marinating Upon the Great Northwest Country: East of the Cascades (Part 24): Classically Presentable (Black n' White Edition)

Marinating Upon the Great Northwest Country: East of the Cascades (Part 22): Silent Moments

Marinating Upon the Great Northwest Country: East of the Cascades (Part 28): First Contact

Ride of a Lifetime: Cruisin' On the Smooth Jeep JK T.I.P. (Part 17): Ready to Explore

FLICKR INFRASTRUCTURE: former crop duster disperses a new cargo (20030927_009)

Road Trip

American pipit (Anthus rubescens rubescens)

Eagle View

Short While

Alkali Lake Panorama

Glass Sky

Will I Die Here?

From Within

Baird Springs Road

American pipit (Anthus rubescens rubescens)

Marinating Upon the Great Northwest Country: East of the Cascades (Part 78): Seasonal Delights

Marinating Upon the Great Northwest Country: East of the Cascades (Part 70): Rugged Barriers of Entry

Marinating Upon the Great Northwest Country: East of the Cascades (Part 67): Feelings of the Past

Lake Lenore Caves State Park

Washington State

Washington State

Marinating Upon the Great Northwest Country: East of the Cascades (Part 62): Rugged Desert Oasis

Marinating Upon the Great Northwest Country: East of the Cascades (Part 18): A Brown & Dry Rocky State

Healing Waters For One's Soul (Part 2): A Soap Lake Story