Lake Lenore Caves Park in the Lower Grand Coulee, Washington

Behind the Ridge at Lake Lenore Caves

2014-09-14 17;13;26

2014-09-14 17;03;13

Aurora Borealis

Waiting to go to Work

Marinating Upon the Great Northwest Country: East of the Cascades (Part 32): Grand and Commanding

Marinating Upon the Great Northwest Country: East of the Cascades (Part 52): Ready for Recreation!!

It's The Moon Rise, I Swear!

Marinating Upon the Great Northwest Country: East of the Cascades (Part 27): Calming Approach

Marinating Upon the Great Northwest Country: East of the Cascades (Part 22): Silent Moments

It' s a scenic view driving out to the farm from town. #NorthCascades #Cascades #Easter #GoingHome #KickBackRelax #Wheat #SpringWheat

Eagle View

Marinating Upon the Great Northwest Country: East of the Cascades (Part 30): Classically Frozen (Black n White Edition)

Marinating Upon the Great Northwest Country: East of the Cascades (Part 23): Surrounded By Bliss

Yielding Control

Winter Lake

Marinating Upon the Great Northwest Country: East of the Cascades (Part 24): Classically Presentable (Black n' White Edition)

Long-billed Dowitcher (Limnodromus scolopaceus)

American pipit (Anthus rubescens rubescens)

Lenore Lake Basin

From Within

2018-09-19 13;14;21

2018-09-19 15;15;22

Looking at the Maze from Above Lake Lenore Caves

2018-09-19 14;57;02

Lenore Lake Basin