Marinating Upon the Great Northwest Country: East of the Cascades (Part 35): Quite the View

Flying High

09082013 317a Beaver skull snout and incisor view

09082013 318a Beaver skull under view of upper mandible and molars

Beautiful day, last view. #moseslake #wa #anniversary

09082012 184

Standing Guard

Moses Lake

The view never disappoints at this spot on #MosesLake. Awesome way to spend my mom's birthday.

Moses Lake

Colorful Sunset


A Pacific Northwest Crush: A Dramatic Sunset (Part 36): Smoothly Connected (In Technicolor)

A Pacific Northwest Sweet Morning Crush: A Dramatic Sunrise (Part 3): Simplicity After Dawn (In Technicolor) - Explore

A Pacific Northwest Crush: A Dramatic Sunset (Part 14): Rhythm & Color (In Technicolor) - (Explored)

A Pacific Northwest Crush: A Dramatic Sunset (Part 46): Reflecting Through the Moments... (In Technicolor)

A Pacific Northwest Sweet Morning Crush: A Dramatic Sunrise (Part 4): Every Moment Counts (In Technicolor)

A Pacific Northwest Crush: A Dramatic Sunset (Part 56): Emotionally Soothing and Boldly Loving (In Technicolor)

A Pacific Northwest Crush: A Dramatic Sunset (Part 61): Crushin' Moments of Reflectivity (In Technicolor)

A Pacific Northwest Crush: A Dramatic Sunset (Part 25): If You Only Knew (In Technicolor)

A Pacific Northwest Crush: A Dramatic Sunset (Part 12): Smoothing Out One's Emotions (In Technicolor)

That beaver is back.

A Pacific Northwest Crush: A Dramatic Sunset (Part 58): Explicit Emotions (In Technicolor)

A Pacific Northwest Crush: A Dramatic Sunset (Part 38): Suffering Before Desire (In Technicolor)

Ideal Serenity

A Pacific Northwest Crush: A Dramatic Sunset (Part 37): Sublime Reflections (In Technicolor)

A Pacific Northwest Crush: A Dramatic Sunset (Part 33): Frozen Crushing Simmering Through (In Technicolor)

A Pacific Northwest Sweet Morning Crush: A Dramatic Sunrise (Part 8): A Crushed Deluxe (In Technicolor)

Sing. _H443515

Potholes Region

Harmonic Balances