Soda Lake, Grant County, Washington

Marinating Upon the Great Northwest Country: East of the Cascades (Part 35): Quite the View

Small Lone Butte, Seep Lakes Area, Washington

Double View Disconnect

09082013 317a Beaver skull snout and incisor view

A Little Slice of the Drumheller Channels, WA USA

09082013 318a Beaver skull under view of upper mandible and molars

Northern Harrier Columbia N.W.R.

Snowy Egret-Columbia NWR, WA-6-8-2013

Say's Phoebe Columbia N.W.R.

Heading East

09082013 319 Beaver skull

Snowy Egret-Columbia NWR, WA-6-8-2013

Reflection on Morgan Lake

Marinating Upon the Great Northwest Country: East of the Cascades (Part 39): Through Nature's Eyes

Marinating Upon the Great Northwest Country: East of the Cascades (Part 33): Lost In the Channeled Scablands

Marinating Upon the Great Northwest Country: East of the Cascades (Part 38): Reflecting Thoughts

Prescribed Burn on Columbia NWR

Harvest Moon, Washington, September 2013

Marinating Upon the Great Northwest Country: East of the Cascades (Part 36): Serenity and Pop-Beverage Inspired Lake

Marinating Upon the Great Northwest Country: East of the Cascades (Part 57): Quietly Patient

A Crancher Ranch Built On Toughness

Open Sky 2

Columbia Wildlife Refuge

Sunset on Long Lake, Adams County, Washington

Upper Goose Lake, Adams County, Washington

Chukar Lake, Columbia National Wildlife Refuge

Prescribed Fire to Improve Marsh Habitat

Grain elevator

Seep Lakes