Coheelee Creek Covered Bridge

Coheelee Creek

Coheelee Creek 1 Hilton GA

Bridge and waterfall

1789 Water falls Img_8541

Coheelee Creek 2 Hilton GA

covered bridge vertical

covered bridge horizontal

Good morning Southern Georgia!

Confederate Flag Pole Marker Blakely GA

Centerville UMC (Obverse) Early Co GA

Centerville UMC Early Co GA

3x GP40,Blakely/GA, 02/07/2016

Blakely Georgia ~ Early County Courthouse ~ Historic Building

Early Memorial Hospital 49M-1 Ambulance GMC

Blakely Fire Dept Engine 4 KME

Barn Early Co GA

Williams, AL, unincorporated.

CIRR #1555

Pioneer Community Hospital of Early 49M2 2013 Ford F350 Ambulance

Ronald Reagan folks...

Sarah Palin...


Don't even let them think about stripping your rights! Why in the world would they even consider renewing The Patriot Act?

Blakely Fire Dept TR 6D

Home in Bama

Magnet Collection