Another view of the building along the tracks

Agkistrodon piscivorus conanti, Mayhaw Wildlife Management Area, Miller County, Georgia 1

Dalea carnea, Mayhaw Wildlife Management Area, Miller County, Georgia 1

Pinus palustris, forest, Mayhaw Wildlife Management Area, Miller County, Georgia 1

Good morning Southern Georgia!

Barn Early Co GA

Blakely Georgia ~ Early County Courthouse ~ Historic Building

Agkistrodon piscivorus conanti, Mayhaw Wildlife Management Area, Miller County, Georgia 2

Magnolia Lodge No 86 Sign Blakely GA

Rural Decay Miller Co GA

Confederate Flag Pole Marker Blakely GA

Centerville UMC (Obverse) Early Co GA

Centerville UMC Early Co GA

Pioneer Community Hospital of Early 49M2 2013 Ford F350 Ambulance

Early Memorial Hospital 49M-1 Ambulance GMC

Blakely Fire Dept Engine 4 KME

Ronald Reagan folks...

When will it be time?

Sarah Palin...

Governor Jindal...

What do you think?
