Vista View - High Peaks

Happy Herp

Pinnacles Tunnel View

View east from Condor Gulch Trail

End of a Long Day, Start of a Late Night

View northwest part way down the High Peaks Trail

Condor Watching

Mountain Tops - Pinnacles National Park

Trail View

Built to last

Lichen on Granite A Study in Color

Pinnacles National Monument, CA, 2009-10-03 023.jpg

Hit the Trail

ACORN WOODPECKER Melanerpes formicivorus, Drinking Water at Pinnacles National Monument, California. Photo by Peter Wendelken.

bridge to enlightenment | pinnacles national monument

Trip back home on the train. Highlights include slow rolling geographical and historical commentary from volunteer historians in the viewing car. Also girl with blue hair. #Amtrak #slowdown

Valley view of Machete Ridge

Shooting Stars


Bear Gulch Reservoir

Sapsucker Red-Naped Soledad, CA Monterey County, California, USA Central California near Pinnacles National Park

Machete Ridge in the fall on the way to the Balconies.

Hidden California

Pinnacles National Park

Pinnacles National Park

Pinnacles National Park

Pinnacles National Park

Pinnacles National Park

Pinnacles National Park

Sunset over the farm with the relaxing sounds of crickets and frogs

Look Back to High Peaks Trail and Bear Gultch Reservoir

Pinnacles National Park

Four mile beach sunset time...

Where Condors Soars

Deceptive Tranquility