The Trail Back

bcol s 46243

Upper Paris Bridge- Linn County IA (3)


Geese enjoy the foggy morning

Pinicon Ridge in Fall

A silhouette of the future, perhaps? (Fortune teller!)

Scary!!! #circleofash #hauntedhouse #hauntedforest

Ha, thanks for the #photobomb Daniel. #circleofash


Red-tailed Hawk

Red-tailed Hawk

Upland Sandpiper

Upland Sandpiper

Upland Sandpiper

The girls were A-W-E- SOME showing off what they learned at cheer camp

The boy getting his climbing done.

Day five of summer camp underway. One of my favorite parts of this camp: the vintage coffee cup collection. #bsa #scouting

Back when I had a loaded yellow Pugsley.

Cedar Valley Trail and some gravel business tonight. Oh and my bike isn't hospital foam green anymore. Thanks to @maxcycles for tearing it down and rebuilding it. Gooooorgeous night out here, y'all.

Early morning cruise through the countryside. #surlybikes #surlycrosscheck

Upper Paris Bridge- Linn County IA (7)

Upper Paris Bridge- Linn County IA (1)

Upper Paris Bridge- Linn County IA (2)