John Deere Harvesting soybeans

The Trail Back

Geese enjoy the foggy morning

Upper Paris Bridge- Linn County IA (3)

bcol s 46243

Coggon Iowa, Linn County IA

Asa Hussey Gravestone

The boy getting his climbing done.

Day five of summer camp underway. One of my favorite parts of this camp: the vintage coffee cup collection. #bsa #scouting

Save The Umpire!! ...HFF!

Back when I had a loaded yellow Pugsley.

Upper Paris Bridge- Linn County IA (7)

Upper Paris Bridge- Linn County IA (1)

Upper Paris Bridge- Linn County IA (2)

Opera House- Coggon IA

Linn County Iowa

IH, International Harvester, COE, Cab-over, Linn County Iowa

New Holland TR 89 Combine

Coggon Iowa, Linn County IA

Coggon Iowa, Opera House, Linn County IA

Coggon Iowa, Linn County IA

Coggon Iowa, Linn County IA

Coggon Iowa, Grain Elevator, Linn County IA

Coggon Iowa, Post Office, 52218, Linn County IA