Chesapeake and Ohio 2716 Black and White

grandma's kitchen

Ikea. (05.03.2007)

Shade Tree Mechanic

Do This in Remembrance of Me

view over garden

view to the knobs

LaRue County, KY Farm House

Kentucky woods

Tobacco Barn, LaRue County, KY

Round Bales, LaRue County, KY

the Gethsemani woods, autumn

Woods, fog and farms

LaRue County, KY Farm

Country Road

Gethsemani Guesthouse Pond

Ginseng, KY Farm

Tobacco Barn, LaRue County, KY

LaRue County Farm_BW


Ice Storm Survivors

Lincoln Birthplace NHP, Ky


Lincoln Birthplace NHP, Ky

Abe Lincoln Boyhood Home

Larue County Farm

The place he spent his boyhood...

Butterfly Close-up