Saint Charles

Shade Tree Mechanic

Inside View.

Chesapeake and Ohio 2716 Black and White

Weddings are FUN

Rickhouses Panorama

Fredericktown Bridge truss detail and stream view

view over garden

Heaven Hill Distillery

Side View

Gethsemani Monastery, Trappist, KY

Heaven Hill Distillery

Inside View.

Condensation Viewers

view to the knobs

Side View of Talbott Inn

Field of cattle

Red and blue in the heartland

Old Iron Bridge

Icy Stream

Mail Pouch Barn

Frozen River

Iron Bridge

Tobacco field

Hardin Creek

See Rock City

Heaven Hill Rick houses

Best of Fredricktown

Gethsemani Guesthouse Pond

the Gethsemani woods, autumn

Kentucky woods

The beechfork in the Spring

Rainbow at the end of the road

Super moon 06.23.13

Maker's Mark

Rickhousen. The barrel aging warehouses at Willett distillery in bardstown Kentucky. Great little distillery.

Joe Will Thompson Tobacco Barn