grandma's kitchen

Chesapeake & Ohio 2716 Steam Locomotive

Ikea. (05.03.2007)

Shade Tree Mechanic

Chesapeake and Ohio 2716 Black and White

Gethsemani Monastery, Trappist, KY

The Development of Abraham Lincoln

The Inside View

Ginseng, KY Farm

Yellow Fields.

Country Road, LaRue County, KY

LaRue County, KY Farm House

Morning Mist

Old Farmstead, LaRue County, KY

Gethsemani Guesthouse Pond

Round Bales, LaRue County, KY

Ginseng, KY Farm

Gethsemani Scene

At the Abbey.

LaRue County, KY Farm

The road goes ever on.

Younger's Creek, KY

Abraham Lincoln Birthplace National Historical Park - Knob Creek Farm - Knob Creek

Grace's House, Formerly The Solar House

Abe Lincoln Boyhood Home

Hall Hollow


Ice Storm Survivors

Abraham Lincoln Birthplace National Historical Park