Fire in the Mill

The White Cauldron

Lunar Eclipse

The Crested Butte awaits outside the cabin.

After a mile of climbing an 8-10% grade, a respite at the Hilltop.

Eating and goofing.

The Vernonia shay (front view)

Fall adventure tunel

Scenic Overlook Ahead

The view from Hilltop Day Use Area.

Roasting Marshmallows over a Fire at Sunset

Vernonia Lake

The view from Hilltop Day Use Area.

The view from Hilltop Day-Use Area in L.L. Stub Stewart State Park

The cabin interior.

View from the day-use area in L.L. Stub Stewart State Park

April climbs the hill to the cabins.

Orion over Ruins

The view from Tophill.

Sunset over the Coast Range.

Three Views 3of3

03-24-07 021

a trickle

Doe, a Deer, a Female Deer

Death Ray from the Mountain

no name waterfall on a no name creek

Stub Stewart State Park

Vernonia Lake Sunset

Stub Stewart State Park

Stub Stewart State Park

Stub Stewart State Park

Stub Stewart State Park

Stub Stewart State Park

Stub Stewart State Park

no name falls

Stub Stewart State Park

Stub Stewart State Park

Stub Stewart State Park

Stub Stewart State Park