POTB 6164

Port Of Tillamook Bay 6164 Lost Train

POTB 6164 The Lost Train!

Orion over Ruins

The view from Hilltop Day Use Area.

POTB 6164 Lost Train Black and White!

The White Cauldron

Vernonia Lake

Overcast View

Only Two Mountains

A break on the trestle.

Sunset over the Coast Range.

The view from Tophill.

Loaded bikes on the trestle.

Misty Mountains. (Hop.)

12-20-06 031

After a mile of climbing an 8-10% grade, a respite at the Hilltop.

The Crested Butte awaits outside the cabin.

Cabin 11, where we stayed.

Mountain View

The view from Hilltop Day Use Area.

Beside Still Waters

Coon creek


Fall Color 9

Playing with #holga

Orchard Dusk

Stub Stewart State Park

Edge of the pond

Fall Color 2


Stub Stewart State Park


Stub Stewart State Park

Stub Stewart State Park

Biking Time



Stub Stewart State Park

2013-05-05 14.00.55

Stub Stewart State Park

Stub Stewart State Park