Happy Weekend Flickr Friends

St. Peter's Church, Dunchurch.

Day 348 of 366 - Rain in the Lane!

A Park View, Rugby

Hillmorton Locks

A View of the Clock

Sparrowhawk - Singing the Blues


Sparrowhawk, again

Sparrowhawk in the garden

St Mary's Hall , Coventry

Heron Or Unidentified sea monster!

Sun Shower

Back to Hillmorton Locks

St. Marie's R.C. Church, Rugby.

Day 212 of 366 - Sunset at Sutton Stop!

Day 204 of 366 - Golden Flower!

My Friend the Visitor

20190309_Kenilwoth castle

Day 288 of 366 - Mystical!

Kenilworth castle ruins

Just a view from the Park

Day 231 of 366 - All Rolled up!

Day 364 of 366 - The Gatehouse!

Kenilworth Castle

Day 341 of 366 - Misty Morning!

Chaffinch - I really could do without this!

The warmth of the summer sun.

20150504_Lining up to the Cloud Burst

Walking by the Canal Explored 27/01/2017

Linear Transitions.

Tree In Rapeseed



Coventry Canal

floodwater reflections

Two Crows.

Fields of Gold


The windmill and the tree

Teasles and Reflections
