Covington Fabrics Plant 1of4 Click on the image to view fullsize

Abandoned cotton seed mill...

Palmetto Brick Narrow Gauge RR 3of10

Double D Motel Cabins, Marlboro County

Grave of Col. Abel Kolb

Pee Dee #1842

Pee Dee RR switches Domtar

PDRR 1507

Yellow House 421_2_5-TC

Magnolia 376_77_80

Estate leavings_W313364

PeeDee River Railroad GP16

PeeDee River Railroad GP16

DSC_7897, Bennettsville, SC, 5-29-2014

Ghost Mountain Dew

Pioneer Equipment 2of3

2015-06-06 14.24.56


Great Pee Dee church (Pee Dee Missionary Baptist) built 1834

Bennettsville Marlboro SC

Mistress Ealdthryth of Humberstone and Lord Takeda Yoshinaka

Crown Spring 2008

Crown Spring 2008

Crown Spring 2008 036

Chapman's Seafood and Ice Co.