Double D Motel Cabins, Marlboro County

Bennettsville, SC

The cows love Bandit, he also needs to check out thier food to make sure it's safe.

Daisy is the best cow. She is very loving. She will have a great life now.

#waitingonmeagain #boxofwine #walmart #peopleofwalmart #classy #bennettsville #bennettsvillesc #sc

Wagon Wheel, Snow Train & Cart Wheel - Bennettsville, South Carolina

#Collection #cigarettes #zigaretten #zigarettenschachteln

2015-06-06 14.02.10

2015-06-06 14.46.33

2015-06-06 14.25.41

2015-06-06 14.24.56

2015-06-06 14.04.19

2015-06-06 14.53.30

2015-06-06 14.53.27

2015-06-06 14.04.11

Old House in Clio

Pee Dee River EMD GP16 1842.

Soon he will be a beautiful butterfly. Or not. #bennetsville #sc


Zion Methodist church now Riverway Grill. 1870s?

Great Pee Dee church (Pee Dee Missionary Baptist) built 1834