Abandoned cotton seed mill...

Covington Fabrics Plant 1of4 Click on the image to view fullsize

Double D Motel Cabins, Marlboro County

PDRR 19 at Mt Zion Church RD

PDRR 19 at Mt Zion Church RD

Serious Rust

Reflections on a windy day

Pee Dee GP16 switches at Domtar Yard

It's raining, so...

PD1 crossing Marlboro Rd.

Rusty, scrapped, wheelsets

Adding power

WIIX 809, well it used to be

Former Railcars

PD1 crossing Marlboro Way

PD1 comin' atcha at Domtar

PD1 switching Arauco

Pee Dee Switching

Pee Dee RR GP16's

PD1 sits close to the engine house

PD1 switching Domtar Yard

Heading for McColl

Reversing at Tatum

Tatum South Carolina

Through the Sandhills

Pee Dee Missionary Baptist Church -- South Carolina