Pumps are used to circulate water from the Nanticoke River through the Nanticoke Shad Hatchery
Upper Nanticoke River in Delaware looking north
IMG_0782 Dickcissel
Ornate headstone
Soda Can Baseball: Round 2
dock 2
rt. 13
Sycamore trees near Nanticoke River in southwestern Delaware
Fields, Bridgeville, Delaware
Records Pond
Tarpaulins partway got blew down by Delmarva fierce windstorm, & now the weird secrets of the little fenced-in area are all out & unenshrouded where people can see.
Passing By
concord pond
Records Pond Laurel Delaware
Fields, U.S. 13, Bridgeville, Delaware
Little Yellow Bugs
Fields, Bridgeville, Delaware
Marshy Hope
Catch and Release