Old West. . . Stuff

Coffee House

One more view of the amazing #abandoned #motel at #sunset that was the highlight and unexpected find of the trip. I used to drive Maryland to LA to Seattle and back with my parents every summer as a kid from the mid-60s to 1980. Loved it and I took photos

Baker County Tourism – basecampbaker.com 1289

Baker County Tourism – basecampbaker.com 1527

#3126 view from DL1857

Baker sunset

Baker City, Oregon

Baker County Tourism – basecampbaker.com 1528

Baker County Tourism – basecampbaker.com 1537

Best Western Sunridge in Baker City, OR

sunset view of Baker City

Abandoned wye at Encina, Oregon... 20090513_7336

Inducted into the Loyal Order of Water Buffalos

The Oregon Trail Map

Me and Ian on the Trail

Baker City, Oregon

Baker County Tourism – basecampbaker.com 1536

Baker County Tourism – basecampbaker.com 1538

House in Baker

Baker City, Oregon

Bromus tectorum south of Baker City

Hell's Gate State Patk


Sun rise

Oregon Trail panorama panorama

Baker County Tourism – basecampbaker.com 11785

Sunset Fields

Baker, Oregon

Oregon Trail Center

Roll of Hay

Baker City OR Powder River (2)

Oregon Trail Interpretive Center

Baker County Tourism – basecampbaker.com 1136

Wallowa Lake

Wallowa Lake

Baker City OR Powder River (3)

National Historic Oregon Trail Interpretive Center, Baker City (Ore.), 17 June 2003

Oregon Trail ruts at Virtue Flat

Baker County Tourism – basecampbaker.com 3972