The view...

The view over the coffee plants

View from the top paddock to Bolla Nolla Nature Reserve

Nambucca Heads nsw 2448

Macksville Bridge

Nambucca Heads nsw 2448

Nambucca River

Misty Belligen

Cloudy Mountains

Big Waves near the Jetty Coffs Harbour

Shed on Walterfall Way

20130803_0437 Bellingen River from Marx Hill

Heading for Urunga !!!

Heading for Urunga !!!

Heading for Urunga !!!

My favourite heritage interpretation plaque

Tent city

The dam

Another beautiful day at Prana Ridge

WRC Australia 2011 - SS15 Welshes 2 - Sat 10th Sept

IMG 8571 Misty Mountain Pop

fire pit

WRC Australia 2011 - SS12 Grace 1 - Sat 10th Sept